Demetra madia target Point
Demetra madia target Point
Demetra madia target Point
Demetra madia target Point
Demetra madia target Point


Wood-effect sideboard

The linearity of the sideboard is embellished by the fine three-dimensional effect of the wooden fronts. The thickness is accentuated in the center: a process that gives dynamism to the design and depth to the front view.

Wood-effect sideboard with three or four doors, with structure also available in matt or brushed laminate and metal feet.

Demetria madia target point
Choose the size of your wood-effect sideboard

Do you need to furnish a small or large wall? No problem, Demetra is available in two sizes: 180 or 220 cm to meet every need!


A variety of finishes available for different materials. Target Point offers the possibility of configuring your own model of table, chair or complement, thanks to a vast range of fabrics, tops, structures and bases.

materiali tavoli target pointmateriali tavoli arredo casa