What comes to your mind if we say “traditional style” or “classical style”?
Usually, we think of our grandparent’s house, an institutional building or things that are old-fashioned, rather than retro.
2018 is the year of the new classic. An example are the beds with capitonné headboards, like our new model ADELAIDE, which was presented at the Salone del Mobile.
The word “capitonné” refers to a type of padding fixed with buttons or studs, generally divided in lozenges to create ornamental effects, used to cover armchairs, sofas and bed’s headboards; it was invented in the Eighteenth Century, but it has been widely used during all the Nineteenth Century, time in which there was a seek for comfort. The term comes from the French word “capiton”, which refers to that “cascade of silk” with which the paddings were packed, initially secured by “bioccoli” of the same material and later replaced with buttons.
The original headboard of this bed represents an element of great effect. Its special processing, totally handmade, definitely brings to the bedroom a touch of elegance and modernity.
The double bed ADELAIDE, with a capitonné headboard, gives its best when placed on a blank wall: that’s because of its importance, able to furnish alone any space.
The capitonné headboards makes the bed sumptuous, plentiful, scenic and creates a fairy atmosphere; it often concerns elements of a remarkable visual impact, therefore, we suggest to use simpler lines for the rest of the furniture, that could enhance the bed and make it the center of the ambience.
ADELAIDE double bed is available in the vintage finishes white, ice and corda.
Target Point, Italian Ideas