An audiobook can be useful and pleasant to listen even at home, as a valid alternative to tv series binge-watching or reading a book – to rest your eyes for a while. A list of best Italian audiobooks of art, design and architecture, to listen with (or without) a subscription on the best platforms. We regret these are available only in Italian language, but you may try to find an edition of these audiobooks in your language –or other audiobooks-, if you like the theme.
“Design. (by Alberto Bassi).
The historian and design critic Alberto Bassi – teacher at the Iuav in Venice – signed “Anonymous design in Italy” and “Food design in Italy” and wrote this agile book (now available as audiobook) on the origin of why objects that we use in our everyday lives are as they are. In a word: design. Seen in all its forms, in Italy and all over the world.
Read by Claudio Marconi.
Available on
Audible (subscription needed)
Apple Books (download)
From the same author:
“Contemporary Design”
On Audible (subscription needed)
On Apple Books (download)
“Vincent Van Gogh: The colours of torment” (by Andrea Lattanzi Barcelò)
The author Andrea Lattanzi Barcelò wrote many portraits of great people, artists and others – including J.D. Salinger and Coco Chanel. In this “Vincent Van Gogh: The colours of torment” he traces a linear biography of one of the great painters of modernity: the birth of the great Dutchman, the relationship with the patriarchal family, his propensity towards a life dedicated to religion, the rebellion, the first warnings of psychological problems, his love experiences, his path as a painter and finally the last two years spent between hospices and psychiatric hospitals.
Read by Fabio Farnè.
Available on:
Audible (subscription needed)
Publishing House Area 51 (download)
“Antoni Gaudí and the new Barcelona” (by Maurizio Corrado).
Maurizio Corrado is an architect, essayist, consultant and professor who taught at the New Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, at the School of Architecture and Design of the University of Camerino, and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and in Verona. In this audiobook, from the praiseworthy series Audioarchitettura [] on the world of architecture and design, Corrado helps us to understand the style of one of the most eccentric architects of modernity. A journey into Gaudì’s Barcelona in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, following the path of the Catalan artist and the realization of his best-known works.
Read by Maurizio Corrado.
Available on:
Audible (subscription needed)
Il Narratore (download)
Apple Books (download)
From the same author:
“Symbols and imagery of the house”
On Audible (subscription needed)
On Il Narratore (download)
“Contemporary art” (by Angela Vettese).
Angela Vettese teaches visual arts at the Iuav in Venice, chaired the jury of the Venice Biennale in 2006 and since 2016 is the director of “ArteFiera” in Bologna. In this audiobook, adapted from a lucky and agile book published by Il Mulino, Vettese explains how contemporary visual art has invaded the world: despite its supposed difficulty, in fact, sculptures, installations and paintings of contemporary art go beyond the limited spaces of museums and exhibitions. Why? Not enough: Angela Vittese addresses two important questions about art (contemporary or not): what are we willing to define art? How does the system that gives value to art work?
Read by Carlotta Viscovo.
Available on:
Audible (subscription needed)
Apple Books (download)
“Pablo Picasso” (by Michele Tosi).
Michele Tosi is a communication expert and a collaborator of exhibitions and art galleries, who published numerous biographies of great artists. In this audiobook – which is part of the series “The masters of art” – Tosi traces the life and works of Pablo Picasso: how his technical ability, his passion and his incredible opportunism have made him one of the most renowned painter and sculptors of all times.
Read by Roberta Furlan, Vittorio Attene and Marcello Pozza.
Available on:
Audible (subscription)
Storytel (subscription)
Il Narratore (download)
In the same series and by the same author:
“Andy Warhol”
On Audible (subscription needed)
On Storytel (subscription needed)
On Il Narratore (download)
“Claude Monet”
On Audible (subscription)
On Storytel (subscription)
On Il Narratore (download)
Target Point, Italian Ideas