5 Instagram profiles about greenery and gardening

Instagram is a very powerful tool for plant and gardening enthusiasts: among plant influencers, photographers who have rediscovered the joys of nature and many digital communicators, we have selected five of the best profiles. For those looking not only for beautiful photos, but also for some advice on how to (better) care for gardens, vegetable gardens and balconies.

Portale del Verde (The Green Portal)

The portaledelverde  website is really – as the subtitle states – “the online encyclopaedia of gardening”: inside you can find practically any useful online advice if you want to deal with greenery: video courses, e-books, expert answers.
The instagram profile s no exception: you can find short video tutorials on plant care and countless photos of lush plants and flowers.


About Garden

Simonetta has a background in fashion but for some years she has transformed her passion for plants into work. She always deals with plants in the role of blogger, youtuber and writer and hers is the very useful book “Buon gardening! (Good gardening! Subtitle: Growing plants and flowers on the terrace and in the garden, use them at home and in the kitchen)”.
Her instagram profile is full of beautiful photos of plants and lots of little tips on how to equip yourself for a garden or vegetable garden.




Paolo Moretti is the proud owner of a lush b&b in the green Tuscan countryside.
His is not an instagram profile in the strict sense, but with his sepia photographs he allows us to observe a slower life among plants, country chic furnishings and a great desire for the countryside and fresh air.



Cristina Colli is a photographer and writer who has moved to England where – also thanks to her blog – she continues her activities as a photographer and teacher: she holds online courses in visual storytelling and is available to mentor young photography enthusiasts.
Her instagram profile – like all her work behind the camera – is focused on plants and flowers. More delicate photographs are rarely found on the internet: among plays of light and compositions, her works are small paintings that seem to come to us from another era.


Balcone.fiorito (Flowering Balcony)

Francesco Diliddo is a blogger and instagrammer with a real passion for gardening. His site is overflowing with tips for almost every type of plant: outdoor, balcony, garden, bulbous, etc…
His instagram profile is obviously a beautiful synthesis of all his love for greenery and photography: a continuous exploration of greenhouses, gardens, and many, many flowered balconies.


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