5 Interior Design Instagram profiles to follow in 2020

A short list with five Instagram profiles (all in Italian) that are definitely to follow for Interior Design enthusiasts.

Make Your Home

Roberta Borrelli is an interior designer, blogger and architect with her own creative research laboratory.
Her Instagram profile is makeyourhome and here she pours all her passion for renovations, art-direction, styling, design and architecture, with a particular attention to spaces and linear furnishing.


Easy Relooking

Elisa Monico is a Milanese interior designer and industrial engineer.
In her Instagram profile EasyRelooking she develops her skills – especially interior design, colours and lighting –, enhanced by well-studied photos on current trends and new styles.


Sofia Bertoldi Architect

Sofia Bertoldi is a young architect specializing in renovations and interior architecture.
In her Instagram profile sofiabertoldi_architetto what comes up is her love for classical elements – from liberty to modern antiques-, but also for a refined and essential style of furniture.


Appunti di Casa / Home Notes

Valentina Raviolo is an interior stylist who has been working digitally since 2010.
Her Instagram profile appuntidicasa (n.d.t.: “Home notes”) (n.d.t.: “Home notes”).


Elisabetta Marangoni

Elisabetta Marangoni is a real estate agent active in Turin with a great passion for furniture and fashion.
In her Instagram profile elisabettamarangoni she offers aesthetic suggestions suitable for enthusiasts and beginners of Interior Design: tips on where to hang paintings, how to decorate the house, how to place the furniture … and some ideas for a good real estate investment.


Target Point, Italian Ideas