Warhol’s Pop-Art, Giacometti’s extraordinary sculptures, Goncharova’s non-conformism, Frida Kahlo’s life and art and De Chirico’s surreal genius: all the modern and contemporary art exhibitions that matter in autumn 2019.
De Chirico – Palazzo Reale (Milan)

La sala di Apollo, 1920
Olio su tela, 70 x 65 cm Collezione privata
© G. de Chirico by SIAE 2019
On September 25th at Palazzo Reale in Milan an extraordinary retrospective on De Chirico will be inaugurated, with works from some of the most important museums in the world such as the Tate in London, the Metropolitan in New York, the Pompidou and the Villette in Paris, the GNAM in Rome , the Guggenheim of Venice, the Menil Collection of Huston and the MAC USP of São Paulo in Brazil for a total of over 120 masterpieces.
The exhibition covers a period ranging from De Chirico’s first stay in Paris (from 1912) to the 1940s. The path is divided into eight rooms, each dedicated to a period or a theme of the Italian artist: family mythology, metaphysics, painting within the framework, self-portrait, mannequin, interiors, gladiators and neometaphysics.
From September 25th, 2019 until January 19th, 2020.
Andy Warhol – Basilica of Pietrasanta (Naples)
In the exceptional setting of the Basilica of Pietrasanta in Naples, an exhibition entirely dedicated to the most important American Pop Art artist, Andy Warhol, will be open to the public starting from September 26th: over 200 works including drawings, portraits, Polaroids and screenprints.
Three are the most famous works: the “Campbell’s Soup”, the screen-printed portrait of Marilyn Monroe, the famous “Flowers” of 1964 and the serigraphs of Mao of 1972. Furthermore, a part of the exhibition tells the relationship of the American genius with Italy and in particular with Naples through the works “Vesuvius” and “Portrait of Beuys”.
From September 26th, 2019 until February 23rd, 2020.
Natalia Goncharova – Palazzo Strozzi (Florence)
From September 28th, an exhibition dedicated to Natalia Goncharova will open at Palazzo Strozzi. A woman who has been a constant reference for the avant-gardes of the twentieth century and for artists like Picasso, Boccioni and Matisse.
Between East and West, between artistic currents such as Neoprimitivism and Rayonism, between Moscow and Paris, with its 130 works the Florentine exhibition explores the unique path of a versatile artist (dancer, costume designer, illustrator, graphic designer, stylist …) who challenged the rules and the codes of her era, a true nonconformist (she was tried for a portrait of a nude female). In Florence some of his most significant works will be on display, such as the “Self-portrait with yellow lilies”, the polyptych “the Evangelists” but also the unpublished “The Savior”.
From September 28th, 2019 until January 12th, 2020.
Frida Kahlo – Tirso Event Space (Rome)
At the Tirso Event Space in Rome, the exhibition on one of the most eccentric and important artists of her time, Frida Kahlo, will be inaugurated on October 12th. A sensory exhibition focused entirely on the life of the Mexican painter.
An exhibition that speaks to its visitors through the same letters of Kahlo, its photographs and the works seen through the immersive technology of the innovative modlight format (images in HD quality able to restore even the thickness of a stroke). Not only that: the collection also includes portraits of authors, diary pages and 3D reconstructions of places in Frida’s life.
From October 12th, 2019 to March 29th, 2020.
Alberto Giacometti – Palazzo della Gran Guardia (Verona)

Saint-Paul-de-Vence, Fondation Marguerite et Aimé Maeght © Claude Germain – Archives Fondation Maeght (France)
© Alberto Giacometti Estate / by SIAE in Italy 2019
In the impressive setting of the Gran Guardia in Verona, the exhibition dedicated to one of the greatest sculptors of the 20th century, Alberto Giacometti, will open on October 16th. An exhibition with over 70 works by the Swiss artist, accompanied by twenty masterpieces by artists who lived and interpreted the spirit of that early twentieth century Paris with Giacometti: Kandinsky, Braque, Chagall and Miró.
The curator of the exhibition, Marco Goldin, explains [https://studioesseci.net/mostre/il-tempo-di-giacometti-da-chagall-a-kandinsky-capolavori-dalla-fondazione-maeght/] the importance and the reasons for this exhibition: “Giacometti was one of my very first passions in the field of art, shortly after the age of twenty. I was looking for him in books, exhibitions and museums in Europe. At first I loved his drawings, several of which I have chosen to be brought in Gran Guardia. His syncopated paintings, especially his figures and still lifes, will also be present in Verona, and of course the famous sculptures.”
From October 16th, 2019 to April 5th, 2020.
Target Point, Italian Ideas.