When it comes to upholstered beds, they are often associated only with classic furniture. This is definitely wrong!
Contemporary design is now able to reinterpret the models with upholstered headboard in an innovative and original way, as in the case of our new BRISBANE bed, which was presented at the Salone del Mobile.
Brisbane combines modernity and tradition in a single product. The upholstered headboard, in fact, is reinterpreted in a contemporary way. Our goal, that of creating a modern bed with a traditional technique, has been widely achieved: the plissé processing in Vintage Soft-Touch that characterizes it, in fact, is entirely handmade.
However, the elegance of the shapes is also combined with a practical core: BRISBANE “hides” an useful and confortable bedcasing container , equipped also with our patented Easy-Lift system that makes it easier to open and easier to rearrange.
The BRISBANE bed is available in three different dimensions, double, 120 or single bed and can be chosen in three finishes: Bianco (white), Ghiaccio (Ice Gray) and Corda (rope).
Target Point, Italian Ideas