Cocooning style bedroom

Furniture and design, just like fashion, are always evolving and looking for new ways to live our homes. After the Scandinavian, the ever-green Vintage and the Industrial style, recently everybody talks about Cocooning: a clean, essential, airy style conceived to create an extremely relaxing, enveloping and protective environment.

And which room is best suited to “get cocoon” if not the bedroom? And how? Here our tips:

  1. Headboard as protagonist
  2. Opt for generously sized beds (King Size if you have space) and for wraparound shapes in which you dream of falling asleep during long winter nights. As in the case of the cushions that make up the headboard of our DARWIN bed and that will act as a backrest to make you comfortably read or work at the computer in your bedroom, in full cocooning style.

  3. The choice of colors
  4. Privileging soft, relaxing and not too aggressive colors, helps to create a very intimate atmosphere. Go ahead then with all shades of beige, brown, gray. Everything should be illuminated by natural light during the day and by soft lamps and candles in the evening.

  5. Simplicity
  6. One of the keywords to make your bedroom a happy shelter designed to share and relax is “ease”: eliminate the superfluous and focus only on the essentials, always leave a little space for the news that life reserves you.

  7. Customization
  8. Beyond these little tips, there are no particular recipes to create a cocooning style. What is essential is to create a place to feel at ease, promoting relax and well-being. Yes, then, to functional and aesthetic customizations that will help you make your room your “cocoon”.

Switch off your smartphone, light up your candles, surround yourself with what you love and enjoy your cocooning-style bedroom.

Target Point, Italian Ideas