How to clean soft-touch covered chairs

Many of you have chosen to furnish the kitchen or living area with upholstered chairs covered in our Soft-Touch, a material similar to eco-leather that, beyond the Vintage aesthetic aspect, features its own precise functional value.

Compared to real leather, it is a synthetic material that is much more practical, resistant and economical.
Furthermore, if cleaning natural leather is complicated and very expensive, for the Soft-Touch everything becomes simpler and faster, in full respect of the environment and animals.

The first thing to keep in mind is daily maintenance. It is not necessary to waste hours and hours of various treatments, simply clean the surfaces with a duster or a slightly dampened cloth.
For more thorough cleaning, avoid particularly abrasive or acid chemicals, which would irreparably damage the Soft-Touch. Better to use natural degreasers such as Marseille soap, diluted with water.
If you have to fight more difficult stains, there are two solutions:

  • take a cloth dampened with a little alcohol or white vinegar, and rub gently;
  • erase the stain with a kneaded eraser and finish the operation with a cloth, preferably in microfibre, dampened with a little water.

Target Point, Italian Ideas