One of the novelties of our new SILVER collection is the use of a special material for the tops of our tables: HPL, or rather High Pressure Laminate.

Today we want to talk to you about this, its characteristics, its uses and its advantages. You will love it, at least as much as we do!

HPL is a material of excellent quality due to its functional and aesthetic potential. It is a type of decorative laminate consisting of numerous layers of Kraft paper impregnated with thermosetting resins and compacted through the combined action of heat (140/150°) and high pressure for about 90 minutes, with decorative paper and protective overlay.

This determines the fluidization and the contextual polycondensation of the resins, producing a homogeneous, non-porous material with the possibility to choose among several surface finishes, and is therefore perfectly suitable to meet the most varied needs. In fact, due to its aesthetic performance and resistance, it is used for the creation of furnishing and style elements ranging from table and desk tops to beach and outdoor elements.

Its characteristics of resistance to wear and steam, hygiene and versatility make it the ideal material for daily use and is the perfect solution when it is necessary to combine resistance and design.

The advantages deriving from the use of a high-pressure laminate are many. We summarize the main ones below:

  1. Resistance to wear, steam, thermal changes, heat and many chemical agents. The particular compactness of HPL ensures an excellent combination of mechanical characteristics such as resistance to bending, traction, compression and impact.
  2. Versatility: high pressure laminate is an extremely versatile material, which can be used on vertical surfaces such as doors and windows, and also on horizontal surfaces such as tables and false ceilings.
  3. Durability: being manufactured at high pressures, this type of laminate is highly durable and therefore perfect for prolonged daily use. It maintains its aesthetics and performance characteristics unaltered for the entire life cycle.
  4. Hygiene: HPL is one of the most hygienic materials used in the construction, architecture and design sector. In fact, manufacturers use anti-bacterial coatings and anti-fungal additives to ensure that the material remains free from microbes and extremely healthy. This is the reason why it is used in environments such as hospitals, laboratories, hotels, restaurants, schools and offices.
  5. Safety: HPL is highly resistant to fire and therefore can be used in laboratories and in other similar contexts.
  6. Maintenance: it is a material that is easy to clean and maintain, as it does not accumulate dirt and is not easily affected by weather elements.

Target Point tables with HPL top are Tritone, Prometeo, Deimos, Saturno, and Lythos.

Target Point, Italian Ideas