Outdoor rugs: how to best use them

Waiting for spring (the real one, which still does not seem to have arrived) we can get ready by setting up our balcony, our courtyard, or our garden with the right furniture to enjoy the beautiful sunny days or pleasant evenings. And the ideal way to do it is to equip ourselves with an outdoor carpet suitable for the situation.

What we need outdoor rugs for

Outdoor carpets can do for and help us in different situations:

  • To be more comfortable and relaxed: we will finally have a surface where we can walk easily, even barefoot if we want to.
  • To improvise a picnic: we can add some mats and place some snacks on a tray.
  • To let children play outdoors, in a confined space and without getting dirty (too much). Once game time finishes, we can roll it back up, wash it and here it will be ready for the next sunny day.

Not only garden: the balcony

Never underestimate the potential of a balcony or a terrace. Especially if we don’t have a garden where we can vent our desire for picnics.

With the right carpet we can indeed brighten up our balcony. Let’s start by choosing a colourful and lively one, but let’s be careful about the size and what we want to be the final effect: we have some low chairs but no table? Then let’s buy a suitable bench (like model Square by Target Point), add a carpet with natural colours and place it with the bench on one side and the chairs on the other side to form a semicircle: the whole will give us a pleasant lounge effect. To create a more intimate atmosphere, let’s turn off the lights in the house in the evening, and prepare some candles or lamps around our small outdoor improvised living room.

Garden solutions

Finally, here are a couple of solutions to beautify and enrich our garden with an outdoor rug:

  • Let’s use the corner wall in the garden: let’s place a rug matching the rest of the furniture and maybe complete the whole with a mirror. This is now an enveloping space for you to relax.
  • Let’s use all the space at our disposal by positioning the carpet in a central position but under a beautiful garden umbrella or gazebo. We will use this partially covered area as a permanent space (as long as spring and summer last). But in order to do this we have to organize ourselves with a carpet with the right materials: the most suitable are draining and water-resistant carpets (made in polypropylene, polyethylene, PVC, polyester or viscose fibres).

Target Point, Italian Ideas