Target (YOUR) Home

For years we have been photographing our products displayed in stores in Italy and abroad. With the heading Target (YOUR) Point we have created a virtual map, in which a red thread connects Sicily to Lombardy and then Liguria to Friuli Venezia Giulia and so again from north to south, from east to west.

But that’s not enough.

Without you, without your taste in furnishing and your homes, all Target Point products would have no reason to exist.

The real protagonists are you!

Every day we receive pictures of your living room, kitchen or bedroom, you send them proud of the result you have achieved and we must say that you surprise us every time!

They are beautiful and from today we want to share them, as happens in a real family.
Target Point, your special ideas.

* You can send your photos through our social profiles: Facebook | Instagram

** Cover photo: chiara_f_87