Queen beds are from 140 to 120 cm wide. They are also called French beds, because in France, where they are called “grand lit”, habits are different from ours and the double beds intended for couples are characterized by smaller dimensions in width to the Italian or English ones.
More and more often, the single bed is replaced by this kind of bed, that can be easily contextualized in limited spaces allowing at the same time to sleep comfortably.
It is worthwhile, therefore, to focus on the characteristics for this type of bed.
Let’s start with the size.
Semi-double beds have intermediate dimensions, straddling those of the double beds (usually 160-150 cm wide) and those of the single beds (width 100-80 cm).
These are models not specifically designed for one or two people, but which can be used in various situations, depending on the needs. They are generally used to sleep alone with all the comforts of a double bed.
Who should choose a double bed?
This type of bed is the ideal choice if:
- You have a son and you want to make a farsighted purchase: they do not stay forever small, they grow and could become NBA players. Tall or not, one day your child will thank you for not having relegated him/her in a narrow classic single bed.
- You are single and you have a small apartment. In this case, you can also opt for the container version, an excellent space-saving solution.
- It is the ideal solution for the bed in the guest room.
Target Point, Italian Ideas