Opening of the Italian Design Museum in Milan

The Italian Design Museum houses a selection of about 200 objects from the Triennale Milano collection. Objects talking about the years between 1946 and 1981- a period of experimentation on materials, techniques and aesthetic codes.

The staging and the voices of the authors

museo design - allestimeno
Allestimento, visione di insieme – Foto di Gianluca di Ioia

The exhibition is developed in a strictly chronological order, from 1946 to 1981. A scan of time that is emphasized and contextualized throughout the exhibition path by a timeline that illustrates historical, political, social and folklore events in Italy and worldwide corresponding to the years when the shown objects are explained.
In order to better understand the complete evolution of the objects, ad hoc wooden models have been created by Giovanni Sacchi, giving a solid rendering of the various steps that led to the realization of some of the exhibited works, from design to production.
To accompany the visitor along the path of this new museum, some of the exhibits are described directly by the voices of the authors: they were asked to tell the origin of their creations and the cultural needs that had led to the idea and the final realization.

The icons of Italian design

Inside the museum collection there are many objects that have revolutionized consumption and habits, not only in Italy. Some of these have become real icons over time:

The first phase and the future of the Italian Design Museum

The opening of the Museum is only the first phase of a project aiming to – in the short-medium term – enlarge the collection with targeted acquisitions and collaborations with public and private institutions. The expansion of the collection will be followed by the expansion of the spaces: by 2022, in fact, the Museum will increase from the current 1,300 sq. m. up to 6.000 sq. m and will thus become the largest Design Museum in Europe.

Cover foto: Gianluca di Ioia

Target Point, Italian Ideas