Verde Prato, urban experiments between ecology and reuse. Starting on March 19th at 18:00, at the Luigi Pecci Center for Contemporary Art in Prato (province of Florence) it will be possible to visit this exhibition on the new operative plan for urban policies of the Municipality of Prato. A plan that also saw the contribution of the archistar Stefano Boeri.
What is it about?
The exhibition is articulated through a scaffolding system designed to function as a scenic machine: on the scaffolds you will be able to admire different materials such as drawings, maps, design projects, archival photographs and videos. The intent is to tell about the development of the urban and architectural creation process that will transform Prato into a green and open city, integrating the buildings already present with the surrounding natural environment.
The exhibition also features an installation by Stefano Mancuso, photographic projects by Fernando Guerra, Maurizio Montagna and Delfino Sisto Legnani, and an interactive robotic machine that will give visitors the opportunity to navigate the multiple areas of the Operational Plan.
The three sections
- Ecology
The Ecology section is dedicated to the “environmental revolution” conceived by architect Stefano Boeri and by scientist Stefano Mancuso: an urban forestation program whose goal is to be able to count a tree for every inhabitant of the city. Ecology is linked to the site-specific installation Urban Jungle by Mancuso, that draws an ideal city skyline in which the boundary between city and nature is finally indistinguishable.
- Re-Use
The Re-Use section recalls the experience of the Prato Laboratory developed between 1976 and 1978 by director Luca Ronconi together with architect Gae Aulenti. Featuring multiple archive images dating back to that extraordinary experience, which was one of the first projects on reuse of manufacturing structures made in Italy.
- Going Public
The Going Public section is based on photographs taken by Delfino Sisto Legnani in 2016 for the installation Manufacturing Assemblages in Prato by Oslo Architecture. It is a narration of public space as a mean of integration. The photos capture the Chinese New Year celebrations through the industrial district and the historic center of the Tuscan city.
Target Point, Italian Ideas