Before installing a home burglar alarm, it is good to know the different types of anti-theft alarms available on the market, how they work and which ones are best suited to our needs. With focus on advantages and disadvantages based on cost, convenience, adaptability.
How does an anti-theft alarm system work?
The system of each home burglar alarm system is composed of three distinct elements:
- A control unit
- Detectors (or sensors)
- Alarm devices
The control unit.
This is the arrival point of the signals coming from the detectors / sensors. The control unit is equipped with a keyboard used to activate or deactivate the system and is composed of microprocessors that elaborate information coming from the sensors. It is powered by electricity but is always equipped with a rechargeable battery so that it can continue to operate even in the event of a blackout. From the control unit it is usually possible to divide the monitored areas into different parts and then choose to activate the system only in some areas of our home.
A tip for the control unit.
For obvious safety reasons it is always good to mount the control unit away from prying eyes – ideally in an area of difficult access.
The detectors – placed around the perimeter of our home or inside the house) – indicate the presence of intruders thanks to different systems:
- Infrared detectors detect body heat
- Magnetic detectors reveal whether a door or window has been opened
- Ultrasonic or microwave detectors sense movement
Alarm devices.
larm devices are sirens or telephone dialers that notify the presence of intruders – once the signal is received from the detectors. Usually the warning occurs through a high-volume siren (with activation of a flashing light), but there are also telephone dialers programmed to transmit a pre-recorded message to the owner of the house, to the police and/or to a private security agency.
Different types of burglar alarm systems – Advantages and disadvantages
There are three types of anti-theft systems:
- Cabled alarm system (with wires)
- Wireless alarm system
- Mixed alarm system
Wired / Cabled alarm system.
Alarm systems with wires are composed of a network of electrical cables that connects the control unit, detectors and devices embedded in the walls. The system is powered by the normal low voltage electrical circuit present in every home.
Extremely reliable and safe because (unlike the wireless system) it does not suffer any environmental interference (great issue for radio or wireless systems) and because if the wires were cut, the alarm would activate. Ideal for large areas and companies where comfort is not sought but maximum safety.
Due to the high costs and the difficulty of installation – maily for the cables inside the walls – this alarm system is more suitable for companies, large houses or buildings under construction.
Wireless alarm system.
In this system no cables are needed, and the communication between the different devices takes place via radio or wireless, instead. Unlike the wired system, functionality is guaranteed not by the main power system, but by long-lasting batteries which are constantly monitored with live situation of the charge level.
Low costs and easy installation. Furthermore, unlike the wired system, this can be easily changedand upgraded over time, or moved in a short time to a different home.
Some models may have problems due to radio interference. To remedy these situations, it is a good idea to make sure that you are buying a latest generation system.
Mixed plants.
Part of the system consists of cable systems – usually the control unit and the alarm devices – and part of wireless systems – usually the detectors.
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