Work from home. What is the best type of chair?

If you are working from home amid the COVID-19 pandemic, you might find that your makeshift office is a literal pain in the neck.

Many people don’t have proper office chairs, and working for extended periods of time at your kitchen counter or hunched over a coffee table is not great for your body and overall health.

Luckily you can use your chair, as long as they have these certain characteristics:

ERGONOMICS to reduce and avoid pain in the head, shoulders, back and arms. The ergonomic chair allows you to maintain the correct position of the spine, starting from the head up to the legs, and this because it is modeled so as to adapt perfectly to the shape of the occupant.

COMFORT, the chair must be comfortable, but it is not necessarily the same for everyone, find the chair that best suits you and your needs at home. A polycarbonate chair can be more comfortable than one with a soft seat.

DIMENSION, the right chair must also have the right dimensions: not too small or narrow!

also the lining must be comfortable and above all must respect the user’s skin. The chair must be safe, created in a resistant and long-lasting material.

We are sure that the chairs in your home have all – or almost all – these characteristics. If this is not the case, you can view the chairs section of our site.

Target Point, Italian Ideas